Bienenstock, Nathan I_GS.png

Alvin e. "bo" bland

Alvin E. "Bo" Bland (b.1924 d. 2013), president and CEO of Action Industries, joined Futorian Manufacturing Company in Mississippi with a degree in Industrial Management from Mississippi State University. He began his career working with pioneer Morris Futorian, helping to bring modern manufacturing technology and processes into Mississippi.

Over 16 years, he brought state-of-the-art manufacturing expertise into Futorian, allowing it to grow to $250 million in sales. He, with Professor Lorenz, oversaw the mechanical development of the first TV position lounge chair mechanism. He co-founded Action Industries in 1970 which grew to be the second largest motion recliner manufacturer in the U.S. with sales in excess of $400 million. It was merged into The Lane Company in 1972.

"Bo" helped to refine and develop the mechanisms that brought growth to the recliner chair market and greater comfort to the consumer. He was a member of the "Furniture Factory of the Future" committee in the 1960's and served on numerous committees for the American Furniture Manufacturers Association and its predecessor, the SFMA.

Mr. Bland served on the Executive Committee of Futorian, and as director, vice president, and a member of the Executive Committee of The Lane Company.

His efforts over the past 45 years have helped Mississippi become the second largest state in the U.S. for furniture manufacturing.