The selection process

Members of the Hall of Fame are selected by a seven-member committee who meticulously search for the most outstanding leaders of our industry, based on four foundations: Enduring Excellence, Superior

Accomplishments, Innovation and Creativity, and Philanthropic Generosity. The committee members spend hours researching and vetting the nominations before voting independently on a points-based system via a secure web-based ballot. The committee members are heads of companies and organizations, representing various aspects of our industry. The results are received by our accounting firm, Carr, Riggs & Ingram P.L.L.C.

There are four foundations that describe the Members of the Hall of Fame.  Each represents:

  • ENDURING EXCELLENCE in their personal and business affairs, who is considered an inspiration, role model and mentor to others.

  • SUPERIOR ACCOMPLISHMENTS as an enduring and visionary leader in their field, and their organizations exemplify the highest standards for their customers and for their employees.

  • INNOVATION AND CREATIVITY whose ideas have greatly influenced and impacted the industry and produced changes in design, retailing, merchandising, marketing, manufacturing, importing, supply chain or support services to the industry.

  • PHILANTHROPIC GENEROSITY of their time, talents and resources to others, whether that may be the industry, professional associations, service enterprises, civic endeavors, charitable and religious organizations, or educational institutions.